About #TravelLive

#TravelLive - the first „real“ Real Time Travel Report

Social Media:

  • Twitter (@TravelLiveCC): Carrier medium for every #TravelLive report; more than 2100 followers (mainly travel and media business, german speaking)
  • Wakelet (www.wakelet.com/@TravelLiveCC) is #TravelLive’s curation platform: tweets, pictures, videos and podcasts are summarized to multimedia reports in chronological order.
  • #TravelLive reports are moreover distributed through Günter Exel’s personal network on Facebook and Twitter: @guenterexel (near 6000 followers), @twitt_consult (more than 29800 followers), @news_tourismus (more than 5800 followers).



  • The website www.TravelLive.cc and the #TravelLive blog are the back bone of every #TravelLive travel report. This is the place where all multimedia impressions are displayed in real time (Twitter live widget) and curated as multimedia reports (Storify).
    However, the #TravelLive blog is NOT the paramount spot where a travel report takes place. As a #TravelLive report can be embedded on any website, its media penetration depends on the number and quality of partner websites. This is why #TravelLive cannot be compared to other travel blogs in terms of visits and impressions: Its true asset is the presence of #TravelLive travel reports in its partners’ network.